As you know, horses can have many issues related to eating, which is why our equine gastroscopy machines are crucial in our diagnostic processes. Gastroscopy is a valuable veterinary tool that uses a flexible video endoscope to examine the equine esophagus and stomach. This uncomplicated procedure is performed while the horse is under light sedation. Sedation is not needed to control pain, but to instead to control the "ticklish" feeling your horse may experience as the small (1 cm) endoscope is passed through their nose. A gastroscope is the only way to accurately diagnose the presence and severity of stomach ulcers in horses. It can also be used to identify stomach impactions, parasites, tumors and other abnormalities that may be affecting your horse's GI tract.
Stomach ulcers are extremely common and are the second highest cause of poor performance after Lameness. Do you have a grumpy gelding or a moody mare? Behavioral issues are often a sign of gastric ulcers. Gastric ulcers cause chronic pain which leads horses to perform poorly or have a poor attitude under saddle. This is one of the main reasons we scope horses. The difference we see in performance and attitude is quite remarkable.
At Countryside, we do not believe in blindly treating horses for ulcers for several reasons. First, we do not want you to invest in an expensive treatment for a horse that does not even have ulcers. Secondly, we don't want to prolong any suffering for the horse. There are several different types and grades of equine ulcers that require different levels and lengths of treatment. We want the best result and outcome for you and your horse. Once your horse is diagnosed, medication and lifestyle changes will be necessary. We are here to guide you through this process, and we will recommend an exercise and feeding program for your horse.
Read more about the importance of diagnosing Ulcers in this recent article from Dr. Dan Carter, ‘Why it’s worth chasing the ulcer diagnosis.”
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